Thursday, November 26, 2009

dance boom

learned what the big E on some of the buses means. my bus never showed (i waited 20 minutes), so i walked over a street to the next bus stop and after a few minutes along came a bus and i never really thought about it, i just jumped in.
i was a few pages into my new book when i noticed we were driving an unusual route. and that i was the only person over 12 on the bus besides the driver. finally most of the horde of kids got off and i approached the driver:
-seems ive gotten on the wrong bus? do you go anywheres near the train station?
-Not at all.
-Oh, so tell me what does the big E on the sign there mean anyway?
- Einsatz (Charter) for school kids. Dont worry though, Ill drop the brats off and then take you down to the station.

Sure enough I had my own personal ride to the station in one of those big long articulated buses. Nice guy. Next time Im asking to drive.

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