Friday, November 27, 2009

new beginning friday

i was at work today before they even opened the building, waiting in the covered entrance, with 2 warm chocolate croissants in a little paper bag (and yes i thoroughly enjoyed the cheery banter with the women in schmitz who will always be my faaaaavourite bakers of the 200 or so on the Rü), after an exhileratingly bang bang bang commute from mülheim, reading a university paper im being paid to proofread on the evolution of the nation-state in france, which contains no sentences shorter than this one and many many that were at least 30 times longer, chuckling as i replaced "fought wars" with "waged war", "became king" with "ascended to the throne", and my personal fav: "let them eat cake" with "sucks to be you."
yes life is indeed good.
spent the day with hugo boss boss where i could not contain a little victory dance when i came up with "it is imperative we be the best" while proofreading a speech with him.
i cleaned out and organized my locker today - what a shiny little box of knowledge i reign over now. reading the paper on the train home i was sadly pleasantly shocked to realize one of the top dogs we have worked with on past exercises was actually forced to resign
and... here i am at home enjoying a "flippie and cheap beer night", staring a dreary damp november weekend in the face. hmmm. this is why im here

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